👀 What’s New?
We’ve added a new Custom Font Family feature to the Theme Builder! Now, you can select and apply custom font families to various sections of your application. This enhancement empowers you to align your application's typography with your brand's unique style, ensuring a consistent and professional look and feel throughout your white-label app.
🌟 Why it Matters
This new feature provides greater control over the visual identity of your application, allowing you to personalize typography to match your brand's guidelines seamlessly. With options to customize font families and weights across different sections of your app, you can create a more cohesive user experience that reflects your brand's personality. 📑✨
👷 How it Works
To Apply a Custom Font Family:
  1. Navigate to the Theme Builder in your account.
  2. Go to General Settings and scroll down to the new App Font Styles section.
  3. Select the desired font family and weight for different text elements such as body text, headings (H1 to H4), side menu text, and top menu text.
  4. Changes will apply instantly, allowing you to preview the updated typography in real-time.
  5. Save the changes from the Theme Builder so they are implemented permanently.
For a step-by-step visual guide,
check out this Loom Video
Experiment with different fonts and weights to find the perfect match for your brand! Enjoy this new level of customization and let us know if you have any questions.