👀 What’s New?
We’re excited to introduce a new feature in the Control Panel that allows you to reset the theme for a specific location back to its agency default theme! Now the HLPT Theme Builder gives you the flexibility to even remove the sub-account theme entirely, setting it to "No Theme." Now, managing themes for specific locations is more convenient and efficient than ever before!
🌟 Why it Matters
This new functionality provides more control over your theme management directly from the Control Panel. Whether you want to restore the default agency theme or remove a theme entirely from a sub-account, this feature makes the process quick and straightforward. It helps maintain consistent branding across your agency, reduces the time spent on theme adjustments, and enhances the overall client experience by allowing seamless theme changes. 🖌️💼
👷 How it Works
To Reset a Theme Back to the Agency's Default Theme:
  1. Go to the Control Panel in your account.
  2. Select the sub-account you want to reset.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the "Subaccount and Global Settings" section.
  4. Click the "Reset Styles For Selected Sub-account" to restore the default agency theme.
  5. Save the changes and refresh the page.
For a step-by-step visual guide,
check out this Loom Video
This update brings greater flexibility and control to your theme management, making it easier to maintain your desired aesthetic across all locations.